MULTI-PARAMETER: The platform manages different physical data and quantities: production and consumption of electricity, temperature, power, thermal energy, humidity, gas, liquids, production materials, etc.
MULTI-DEVICE: Usable from any PC support, tablet, smartphone, accessing by web terminal or via App, thanks to a User ID and password.
PRODUCTION: Production / waste data, yield / performance for the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 12 months, reliability index, recipe / processing, operator, turn.
CONSUMPTION: Energy, water, air, etc. , Monitoring of the individual materials needed in the production process, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 12 months.
TREND: For each monitored physical size, you can display charts or graphs in the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days.
REPORT: For each monitored physical size, you can see graphs or charts for trends over the last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days.
MAINTENANCE: A complete data collection of instrumentation / the production cycle of machines, operating hours, warning threshold, maintenance threshold,% hours of work, efficiency.
NOTICE: Classifying and listing alerts generated by reaching pre-set thresholds or events in the production cycle.
ALARMS: Classified alarms for text display and graphic representation by alert level grouping, current month / previous month.
REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION: Control logic programming with remote commands, set point, on / off, etc.